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About the Foundation

India is a land of different cultures, languages, religions, trades, businesses, and resources. The economic condition of the people also varies beyond imagination. There are very rich people comparable to the richest in western countries and at the same time the majority of the population lives below the poverty line. These people cannot even afford a good meal a day or even milk for their children. The population of people living in abject poverty ranges from 35% to 65% in different areas of the country. This poverty also fosters high levels of drug and alcohol addiction.Natural calamities too have struck this land in the recent past leaving behind damaged lives, lands and crops.

Relief works carried by charities have met a small percentage of physical need however the emotional help received is insignificant. Thousands of charitable organizations are faithfully carrying out their services, but there is so much more left undone.

Abraham Sekhar, who is a civil engineer by profession and his wife Sheila Sekhar, a medical doctor by profession are Christians involved in charitable work. They have an immense burden for the poor and destitute of India. They started a charitable trust in India called Global Mercy Foundation, India. Currently they run a Children's Home for orphaned and deserted children. They have also started street children education and adult literacy programs in different places. In addition, they are very concerned with the HIV/AIDS problem in India. Many health experts predict that India will be the next region to suffer from the AIDS epidemic that Africa is currently experiencing. There is a serious lack of resources to deal with the current infected population. In order to help combat this problem, the Sekhars want to build a well equipped hospital as soon as possible.